vendredi 6 mai 2011

Rencontre avec Olivia Newton-John

Pour la première fois ... je ferais une entorse à notre "règlement" !
Je ne traduirais pas le reportage que notre capitaine Skywalker favori nous a envoyé suite a sa rencontre avec l'adorable Olivia Newton-John lors de la dédicace, hier soir, au Palace Norton Cinema de Leichhardt.
Que nos lecteurs francophones nous pardonnent !

Well, as you can tell by our smiles on the pictures, we had a ball at Olivia’s cook book launch last night.
It was great to see her so relaxed and obviously enjoying the intimate setting of the Palace Norton Cinema in Leichhardt.
Olivia arrived at 7.30pm. As she entered the room, there wasn’t a sound made. You could almost hear a pin drop.

When Olivia reached the front of the room, she greeted us with a friendly “G’day!” (in her best/worst possible Aussie accent).
We were all snapped out of our daydreaming and greeted her back with thunderous applause and whistling.

She sat in a row in front of where Michael and I were seated during the intro before the beginning of the Questions & Answers session.

A representative from Shearer’s Bookstore interviewed Olivia for a few minutes before Livvy took questions from the floor.


Here are some of the subjects that she talked about:

-Livwise cook book: this is her third attempt at writing a book. The first two attempts were autobiographies which she scrapped as she deemed the information to be too personal. She said that writing about food was a lot less confronting than writing about her personal life.

- Someone asked whether she would be singing at the 2012 Olympics in London with Cliff Richard (neither she nor Cliff have been asked). She answered that as thrilling as the Sydney experience had been for her, she didn’t think that she would sing at the next Olympics. She then added, should Cliff be asked to perform, he should enjoy the experience as he is so deserving of it.
- I asked whether there had been any progress made on clearing Amazon Herb Company products with the Aussie authorities because the supplements were obviously working wonders on Olivia and we Aussies wanted to experience their magical effects as well. She answered that it would probably take another 6 months to get a green light. However, this was dependant on how slow or fast this process would be as we all know how strict Australian quarantine laws are.
- Someone asked whether she had seen John Travolta’s baby yet. She said she hadn’t but was delighted at how happy the Travoltas were with the new addition to their family.
- She was asked about the release of A Few Best Men. Answer was later in the year. To my understanding, sometime in November.

- Another person asked whether she would consider opening an ONJ Cancer & Wellness Centre in Sydney. She said that a project of that size involves a lot of funding, fund raising and time. She said that she hoped that every hospital treating cancer patients would end up with a similar wellness centre to the one in Austin, but that she didn’t see herself working on a Sydney-related wellness centre project in the future.
- Someone asked what her ideal day off would be. She answered having a swim with John on waking up in the morning, cooking him breakfast, lying in a hammock reading a book, catching a movie and having dinner in one of their favourite restaurants.
- Someone asked about what book she is presently reading, Olivia said her sister had given her the new Shirley MacLaine book “I’m Over All That” which she was very much enjoying. She said she thought that Shirley was courageous to air her beliefs and opinions as some people judge her for being a little “out there” or laugh at her.
- She also talked about how much she enjoys going to Gaia Retreat & Spa on arriving in Australia. She usually spends a couple of days resting and building up energy after the long trip from the US.


There were several more questions, such as her appearance in Glee, future projects (more involvement with Amazon Herb Co), and a mention of her concert in Adelaide before we all gathered in Shearer’s, the bookstore next to the cinema, for the signing.

Olivia signed everyone’s copies of Livwise and made sure that everyone got a picture with her.

She even indulged me by signing a t-shirt I had printed and was wearing which featured the cover of her Livwise book and a slogan I had Photoshop-ed in which read “Eatwise Livwise!”

Unfortunately, we didn’t get to talk as much as I would have loved to as she had another event to get to and was pressed for time. But, we all left on a high after a very enjoyable evening spent with a very sweet and generous woman, our Livvy.
By the way, I said hi to Olivia for you (Arielle) and Philippe (and a couple of other FB Livvy fans) to which I got a big smile.

Un grand merci à Luke pour les photos et le "résumé" d'une formidable rencontre !

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